Wednesday, February 02, 2005

I want my MmmmTV

You might want to be sitting down for this one: MTV exploits ... sex !!!

Our God-fearin' friends over at the Parents Television Council have done an in-depth study of MTV's more prurient programming, only to conclude that a lot of entails sexual innuendo.

"The PTC taped MTV's Spring Break coverage 24-hours a day for the week of March 20, 2004 to March 27, 2004. Analysts recorded instances of sexual content, foul language, and violence into the PTC's computerized Entertainment Tracking System (ETS). One hundred and seventy-one hours of programming were analyzed."

According to the report, some poor -- albeit dedicated -- PTC researchers had to suffer through copious footage of beer bongs, fake boobs and thong bikinis. It's a tough job, sure, but, hey: It's for the children.


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