Cutting to the Chase
Ramblings on politics, film, music, literature, current events, pop culture, lists, dirty words, trapezoids, birds, cartoons and any other damned thing that strikes my synapses. A 39ish-year-old freelance journalist and writer living with his wife and baby daughter in the hardscrabble environs of Oklahoma, Chase McInerney now spends much of his time frozen in stark, cold sweat-inducing, gut-percolating fear. For it will be soon ... yes, very, very soon.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Previous Posts
- Cutaways, Take 14
- Bush vs. al-Jazeera
- Good Night, Ted, and Good Luck
- Get Back, Loretta
- Crumbs 'n Stuff, Take 11
- Straw Man Collapse
- Drink Up and Die
- Friday Random 10
- That's Our Dick!
- More Woodward-Hate
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Journalism and Stuff Like That
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Books and Stuff Like That
TV and Stuff Like That
Humor and Stuff Like That
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- Welcome to the White
Oklahoma and Stuff Like That
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- NewsOK
- OKC Talk
- The Oklahoma Gazette
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- Sooner Thought
- The Tulsa World
- Urban Tulsa Weekly
Chase Spouts Off
- Alito More Love
- Blame and Responsibility
- Boom Sooner
- Diagnosing the Democrats
- Doctor Tom Strikes Again
- Gitmo Fun
- In Defense of Newsweek
- Iraq: Our Responsibility Back Home
- Islam 'n' Us
- It's the Warrants, Stupid (Cassandra)
- Just Say No Sex
- Killing the Messenger
- The Liberal Activist Judges Must Go (Conrad)
- Looney Tunes: "Death to Everyone!"
- The Mother of all P.R. Battles
- Not Necessarily the News
- On the Record, Not for Attribution
- See No Evil
- Schindler's List of Helpers
- Social Insecurity Complex
- Stem Cell Riot
- Straw Man Collapse
- Subpar Partisanship
- "Thank You, Sir -- May I Have Another?" (Greg)
- That's Our Dick!
- Tortuous Logic of Tort Reform
- Tracing Blame
- Truth or Consequences
- Torturers R Us (Cassandra)
- War on Drugs with Warring Druggists
- ZooCreation
Chase Goes to the Movies
- "The Aviator"
- "Batman Begins"
- "Be Cool"
- Best Documentaries of 2004
- Best Documentaries of 2005
- Best Films of 2004
- Best Films of 2005
- Best Remakes
- Capote
- "Cinderella Man": No Glass Slipper
- "Closer"
- "Dark Water"
- "Downfall" &"Gunner Palace"
- "Elizabethtown"
- "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"
- "Flightplan"
- "Good Night, and Good Luck"
- Hollywood Hubris
- If I Ran the Oscars 2005
- "In Good Company"
- "In Her Shoes"
- "The Interpreter"
- "Into the Blue"
- "Kinsey"
- The Longest Homophobe
- More on "Kinsey": Who Is Judith Reisman?
- "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou"
- Lights, Play Ball, Action!
- The Longest Homophobe
- "Maria Full of Grace"
- "Melinda and Melinda"
- "Million Dollar Baby"
- "Mr. and Mrs. Smith"
- Movie Mulligans
- "Munich" and the Sin of Ambivalence
- The Non-Summer Summer Movies
- Osama bin Martian?
- Overlooked Films of the 1990s
- "The Ring Two" & "The Jacket"
- "Robots"
- "Sahara" & "Fever Pitch"
- Scary Movies
- "Sin City"
- "Spanglish"
- "Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith"
- Stop the Presses! Another Movie List!
- "The Upside of Anger"
- "Vera Drake" & "The Assassination of Richard Nixon"
- "A Very Long Engagement" & "Hotel Rwanda"
- Wanting Less of Michael Moore
- "War of the Worlds"
- "The Woodsman"
Chase's Reel Short Reviews
- Take 1
- Take 2
- Take 3
- Take 4
- Take 5
- Take 6
- Take 7
- Take 8
- Take 9
- Take 10
- Take 11
- Take 12
- Take 13
- Take 14
- Take 15
Chase Spins the Hits
- Best CDs of 2004
- Best CDs of 2005
- Chase Spins More of the Beatles
- A Friend Posits His Top 10 Beatles Songs
- In the CD Changer
- Long Live Rock
- Looney Tunes
- Meet the Beatles
- Q: Are We Not Prophets? A: We Are ...
- Sound Bites, Vol. 1 (Dash)
Chase Gets His Freak On
- Apology to Heather (Conrad)
- The Bitch Is Back, Not
- Cartoon Sex
- Cashing in on the Family Tree
- Crime Sprees for Tourists
- Get Back, Honkie Cat
- Make Mine a Cheeseburger
- Ladies of "SNL"
- Remembering "Little Poison"
Chase Gets Up Close and Personal
- 9:02 a.m. Wednesday, April 19, 1995
- About My Brother
- And Baby Makes Three
- Babes on Film
- Babies Don't Break
- Happy Birthday (All Cynics Avert Your Eyes)
- A Quick Note While He's Away
- Smiles for Boobies (A Baby's Tale)
Chase Worships His Heroes
Chase Home for the Holidays
- Bad Santa
- Christmas Odds and Ends
- Don't Leave the Christ out of Crass Consumerism
- Giving Thanks
- Mein Kringle
- Rockin' Around the Holiday Tree
Surly Gets Surly
BlogaramaBest Overall Blog
The Chase Hall of Fame
Okie Blogger Round-up 2006
When I was in college -- and during the years immediately after -- I distanced myself from Madonna, assuring others I was in the Cyndi Lauper camp of women break-outs during by coming-of-age.
But now, on the verge of 40, I embrace her, all of her, from her Lucky Star days to motherhood. And she does offer, albeit imperfect and likely surgery enhanced, proof that we women can be desirable post-35. And besides, Get into the Groove still makes me want to dance...
Chase, I could be wrong, but I'm not quite certain that you'd look as good in that dress. ;)
She looks kinda like Liz M'gowern - the newish sister on the show about 3 witch sisters whatever its called...
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