Saturday, September 10, 2005

If Not for the Courage of the Fearless Crew ...

Regarding the death this past week of Bob Denver, better known to millions of boob tube junkies as the hapless Gilligan, one of the more pithy tributes comes via Slate's David Edelstein and his thoughts on the seemingly inexplicable allure of that dumb, but lovable, show:

"We cling to it because the doe-eyed, brunette, small-town girl is so much sexier than the curvy red-haired movie star -- at least to my adolescent eyes and, on the evidence of her mail, millions of others. We cling to it because there is an absence of any sexualized male to spoil this paradise. We cling to it because it shows us an orderly society in which the super-rich, the Howells, have their airs and their endearing obliviousness to those who labor on their behalf -- but when all is said and done are literally in the same boat.

"Which is definitely not the society in which we live now. After all, says today's Mrs. Howell: Those people are so much happier in the Astrodome."

Will the real bitch please stand up?


At 9:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, check out Existential Ramble.

The dude is in full meltdown mode -- calling for a Reign of Terror on the families of all politicians he doesn't like.

If Bush is the Marie Antoinette of the 21st century, are folks like Existential Ramble the sicko Robespierres?

At 10:44 AM, Blogger Chase McInerney said...

I, too, read Blue Dreamer's post on LiteraryTech ...and Mt. Anonymous (if that is your real name), I can safely say you are twisting what he wrote and being intellectually dishonestt. Furthermore, knowing Blue Dreamer as I do, I can tell you you're barking up the wrong tree with you "reign of terror" accusations.


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