Wednesday, December 15, 2004

One Nation Under Blog

I am pleased to report that our good friend and token arch-conservative Red Dirt is indulging his less-dyspeptic side these days with The Book of Stupid Lists. A project he has undertaken with another fellow Okie blogger, LilRed of Lip Schtick fame, the Book of Stupid Lists deserves your full and undivided attention. My favorite is "Unsavory Goth Locales." (I think I've actually eaten at "Delicatessen of the Macabre.")

In addition to the Red Dirt Blog and Lip Schtick, let me also draw your attention to several other excellent blogs courtesy of some current and former Oklahomans ...

Existential Ramble (existentialism with a dash of liberalism)
Token Liberal (liberalism with a dash of humor)
The Left End of the Dial (liberalism with a dash of everything else)
The Blue Dot Blog (liberalism with a dash of humanity)

Now granted, all these are good, solid leftist-leaning blogs, but Red Dirt has the other side taken care of.

Finally, there is the right-leaning From the Bleachers, which isn't from an Oklahoman, but what the hell, it's still mighty good.


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