Sunday, January 23, 2005

Shootings in Tal Afar

Thank you to Leila at Sister Scorpion for another view of the Iraq War that just doesn't seem to find its way to the mainstream news media in the U.S.

This latest incident in the Iraqi town of Tal Afar involves a car that failed to stop at a checkpoint at dust. Troops opened fire, killing a mother and father in the front seat. The couple's five children in the back seat survived.

The shooting is only the most recent bloodshed in Tal Afar, which has a sizable Turkish population and has sounded alarms from Turkey diplomats.


At 1:13 PM, Blogger Leila M. said...

I think its very easy, even for me, to lose perspective that the Iraqis being killed in far larger numbers during this war are just as much people as the soliders and their families.

There's a lot of froth and freaking out over one soliders death (and yes it is very sad, especially since it shouldn't have happened in the first place) but the other item people fail to, or just don't want to think about is that:

1. Soliders are shooting innocent people, too. Accidental or no.

2. In any other situation, it would be called murder.

3. Whatever you call it, it ruins people's lives. I'm sure the solider that shot that couple will be haunted for what he did (he should be, anyway), and these children are now orphans, their lives changed forever in the matter of seconds.

4. We Americans needs to realize that American souls don't somehow "weigh more" than other's. This isn't some odd soul-weighing venture with Anubis lurking over, comparing the western with the eastern.

/end rant.


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