Thursday, July 06, 2006

The Fasting and the Pacifist

Stop the presses. Cindy Sheehan is being joined by Susan Sarandon, Sean Penn, Danny Glover and other left-wing celebrities in a "rolling" hunger strike calling for the removal of U.S. troops from Iraq.

People magazine reports:

"Sheehan, whose son Casey was killed in Iraq in 2004, had her last meal at 12 a.m. on July 4 in front of the White House and will remain on a diet of water, teas and juices until Sept. 1, International Peace Day. "Everything we do is to get the troops to come home," she told PEOPLE outside the White House on Tuesday. "We want to show the world that there are Americans who are committed to peace. Fasting is such a time-honored way of protest."

Now, I like empty gestures as much as the next guy, but something tells me that intermittent starvation for Hollywood leftists isn't going to bring the troops home. Call me crazy, but I suspect the folks who are going to be swayed by the likes of Sean Penn and Susan Sarandon are, well, Sean Penn and Susan Sarandon.

Now, get Michael Moore to fast -- then we'll be impressed.


At 4:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You realize they are just doing the Al Sharpton diet. It's all the craze among us libs.

At 8:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe there would be world peace if we could just get the terrorists to all sit down with us and watch The Banger Sisters.

At 1:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Plus, Chase, they forgot to mention that Cindy Sheehan's last meal on July 4th consisted of several cases of bratwurst, a couple bags of Tostitos with a quart of queso, a pint of potato salad and several bowls of some yummy homemade vanilla ice cream with peach cobbler. It's gonna take her weeks to burn that off with a hunger strike.


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