America's Sweetheart
"I'm ugly. My jaw hurts. Unnnh. Urrp!"
Ramblings on politics, film, music, literature, current events, pop culture, lists, dirty words, trapezoids, birds, cartoons and any other damned thing that strikes my synapses. A 39ish-year-old freelance journalist and writer living with his wife and baby daughter in the hardscrabble environs of Oklahoma, Chase McInerney now spends much of his time frozen in stark, cold sweat-inducing, gut-percolating fear. For it will be soon ... yes, very, very soon.
America's Sweetheart
posted by Daniel Gale-Grogen @ 1:37 PM
Okie Blogger Round-up 2006
Interesting that she really wants to see "Spun," of all things.
These are your tits.
These are your tits on pot.
Not pretty, is it ?
I guess I never realized how deep southern fried her accent is. Shocking.
Spun is a good movie. It's got that Josh Peck who was so riveting as the bully in Mean Creek.
This is a solid 3 weeks behind the curve ... but kind of funny for what it's worth.
"Wha you lookin' thru the peeeep hole!"
It's amazing that he seems like the stable on in this video.
(verfication word is "bezky")
That little Apple Rosebud is growing up fast!
I know what she means, feeling like she's somehow been left behind by life. I had the same feeling with med school and residency. I went in young and in touch with our culture, and came out old and completely out of touch. Where did my youth go?
Oh, the vapid, drug-addled humanity!
Conversations about whether "Back to the Future" is real?
Folks, watch that video again - you are staring America's deconstructed postmodern nihilism in the face. Them's a lot of big words that mean, "We're screwed."
"America, how can I write a holy litany in your silly mood?" ~Allen Ginsberg
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