Saturday, August 13, 2005

With a Hitch

On this date (Aug. 13) back in 1899, the Master of Suspense dropped the suspense and popped out of his momma's womb ...

Happy birthday to the late, great Alfred Hitchcock. And for no other reason than the fact I love Hitchcock and I love making lists, here are my five favorite Hitchcock films in ascending order:

5. The 39 Steps (1935)
4. Rear Window (1954)
3. Psycho (1960)
2. Notorious (1946)
1. Vertigo (1958)

That's all.


At 2:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course, Hitch's REAL gift was an eye for the ladies. The top fine, in ascending order:

5. Tippi
4. Eva Marie
3. Janet
2. Grace
1. Ingrid


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