Outed, Damn Traitor: The Cartoon Version
Mark Fiore deserves a few rounds of wine, women and song for this terrific dramatization of our portly prevaricator
Ramblings on politics, film, music, literature, current events, pop culture, lists, dirty words, trapezoids, birds, cartoons and any other damned thing that strikes my synapses. A 39ish-year-old freelance journalist and writer living with his wife and baby daughter in the hardscrabble environs of Oklahoma, Chase McInerney now spends much of his time frozen in stark, cold sweat-inducing, gut-percolating fear. For it will be soon ... yes, very, very soon.
Mark Fiore deserves a few rounds of wine, women and song for this terrific dramatization of our portly prevaricator
George Will a champion of Darwinian evolution? Once in a while, the guy surprises (hell, he even takes time to plug author T.C. Boyle and his novel Drop City). In The Washington Post, Will looks at two current documentaries, March of the Penguins and Grizzly Man , while contemplating intelligent design:
Tara Reid: Hopeless Romantic ...
All in all, I give this random shuffle the iPOD thumbs-up.
If it's Thursday, it's Sex Tape Derby. You know the drill: Let's say you absolutely, positively must watch a videotape or DVD of two people making sweet, sweet love. And let's say you must pick one among the following pairs to star in the aforementioned sexcapades. Whom would you rather watch get their figurative rocks off? Post your selections in the comments section, eat your vegetables, wash behind the ears and thank your lucky stars.
Good news for any of you who still have "Name a panda" sticking out there like a sore thumb on your To-Do list. The National Zoo has kicked off its first-ever name-the-panda contest for a new male cub born last month. Friends of the National Zoo says participants can vote among the following names: Hua Sheng, Sheng Hua, Tai Shan, Long Shan or Qiang Qiang.
Oklahoma's newest addition to the U.S. Senate, Tom Coburn, is at it again. A headline in the Journal Record, an Oklahoma City-based business newspaper, says it all:
An article in The Journal of the American Medical Association is bound to stoke the battle over abortion. In it, researchers conclude that a fetus is unlikely to feel pain before 29 weeks. The conclusion casts doubt on the rationale of a bill authored by U.S. Sen. Sam Browback that would require abortion-seeking women to be offered anesthesia for the fetus because "at this stage of development, an unborn child has the physical structures necessary to experience pain."
by Conrad Spencer
"You like me! You really like me!!"
Some friends of mine just discovered that a house they recently bought was the site of a near-murder six months ago. Evidently, the previous owners had some marital trouble. The husband beat the wife to a pulp with an aluminum baseball bat. Now he's awaiting trial for attempted murder.
From a New York Times story involving the debate between evolution and intelligent design:
Advise & Consent (1962)
Despite protests from truckers and safety advocates, the Bush administration has opted to leave intact a rule allowing truckers to drive six days a week and for up to 11 hours a day.
Hunter S. Thompson got blasted one final time this weekend. As per the wishes of the late, great and irate writer, his remains were shot from a 153-foot tower amid a hail of fireworks. Some 250 friends and family looked on during the celebration, which was largely bankrolled by Johnny Depp, who portrayed the good doctor in the film version of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.
It is my pleasure to announce another contributor will be joining CTTC for occasional musings. Conrad Spencer is a friend, a colleague and a smirky progressive -- all of which makes him a decent fit for this here blog. Please make Conrad feel at home; he's been a little bit shy ever since the tractor "incident."
FoxNews.com features a short bit today on a Lawrence, Kansas, woman who found an alligator in front of her home. That, in and of itself, is hardly so impressive (I have come across a few reptilian Jehovah's Witnesses at my front door before), but I was struck by the headline that an intrepid FOX writer (how's that for an oxymoron?) gave the story:
And a wonderful Friday to you, too. Shuffling the iPod, I find ...
So what is it that I, Chase McInerney, contend is the single most repugnant part of politics that, for the dear life o' me, I don't see ever getting fixed?
Hold on to your hats, voyeuristic sex fans, it's another installment of Sex Tape Derby. Let's say, just for the sake of argument, y'see, that you must watch one among each of the following pairs doing the nasty on a sex-soaked videotape. Who would it be? (for the comprehension-impaired, click here for more information). Otherwise, post your selections in the comments section.
Not that the blogging universe is exactly crying out for yet another weigh-in on the Cindy Sheehan media circus, but here's mine. Please forgive the lateness of my unsolicited opinion, but I've been lost in my own world these past few weeks, what with pre-baby stuff and whatnot ...
On this date (Aug. 13) back in 1899, the Master of Suspense dropped the suspense and popped out of his momma's womb ...
iPod. Therefore I am. Happy weekend, everybody.
Another Thursday, another Sex Tape Derby. For the uninitiated, check here for details regarding this intellectual exercise. But in a nutshell, let's just say that, if forced to decide between the following pairs of good God-fearin' people, whom would you rather watch knock boots in a sex tape?
Oliver Stone is set to direct a film detailing the real-life stories of two men who were trapped in the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks, Port Authority police Sgt. John McLoughlin and officer William J. Jimeno. Nicolas Cage will star as McLoughlin.
My old pal, whom we shall call Buck Nekkid (per his directive), is decidedly of the booze-swillin', golf-playin', he-man woman-hatin' variety (for those of you who actually read this blog on a semi-regular basis, you might remember him from this). Still, he seems all a-twitter about me and Mrs. Chase having a baby.
Bob Novak's petulant storming off of a CNN set might just hint that the right-wing columnist, affectionately known to "Daily Show" aficionados as "the douchebag," might be getting a touch stressed these days over the Valerie Plame scandal and investigation.
See if you can guess what track was my wife's addition to the iPod. Feel free to post what's on your iPod (or 8-track, in case my brother is reading this):
Radosh.net calls our attention to this gem of a quote uttered in 2003 by former First Lady Barbara Bush on "Good Morning America":
Suzanne Somers' recent attempt to parade her insecurities on stage and under a spotlight proves to be -- surprise, surprise -- an off-Broadway turd the size of Montana. Apparently audiences were as uninterested in her cliched showbiz skeletons -- alcoholic dad, domestic abuse, self-esteem issues, unwanted pregnancy, illicit affairs, eating disorders, horse whippings, fox trots, smoking in the boy's room, gangbanged by the cast of "Lou Grant"-- as one would suspect.
Just 'cause we're gonna cut back a bit on blogging doesn't mean we need to cut down on the really important stuff ... hence, another installment of your favorite and ours, Sex Tape Derby. We'll make it easy on you with this hypothetical: You must watch someone have sex on video, or DVD, if you prefer your masturbatory material with a clearer image and director commentary.
I know I said I'd be significantly curtailing this blog -- and I am, I swear -- but I had to weigh in on this latest outrage in the news.
While I have always bristled at bloggers who announce they won't be writing for a while, I move that always strikes me as a bit on the self-important side, it is time for me to play the hypocrite that I am and say this: I won't be blogging for a while.